Counting Vaux’s Swifts at the Selleck Schoolhouse
by Ken Schroeder & Linda Carlson
The village of Selleck, in eastern King County is a vital communal roosting site for Vaux’s Swifts. From mid-spring to early fall, hundreds of swifts roost nightly in the abandoned chimney of the historic community schoolhouse. Most birds are migrating, but research shows that non-breeding swifts roost here throughout the summer.
Audubon’s “Vaux’s Happening” project has been documenting the Selleck activity for the last twenty-eight years. Last year, Selleck recorded the fourth highest count of any site in North America. We would like to invite you to experience this wonderful natural spectacle while also contributing as a “citizen scientist” to help document the use of this roosting site.
The activity begins at early dusk with the arrival of just a few swifts who begin to circle the schoolhouse. Volunteer observers know this is just a prelude to the action to come. Birds continue to magically arrive until the evening sky is filled with hundreds of swifts, all calling and circling. Before long, one weary swift plunges into the chimney, choosing the most comfortable sleeping spot. As if playing “follow the leader”, up to hundreds of swifts per minute now dive into the chimney. Birds enter the chimney so quickly that most observers learn to count birds by groups of five or ten at a time. A short time later, the entire flock has bedded in for the night.

We first experienced this amazing natural event in 2019 with Rainier Audubon member and swift counter extraordinaire, Dolly Owen. Anticipation mounted as our small volunteer group snacked in lawn chairs across the street from the schoolhouse on this warm and clear July evening. Suddenly, the first swift arrived, and the observations began. The swifts did not disappoint on this memorable evening. After the last of 845 birds descended into the chimney, we could only say……WOW, that was incredible!
The key to this important project is to have one or more observers at Selleck every possible evening during the roosting season. “Audubon’s Vaux’s Happening” could use some help this season. We have recently lost several experienced observers and need some Rainier Audubon members to help continue this important work. Even assisting one evening per month would be greatly appreciated. Selleck is a twenty-one-mile drive northeast of Auburn along HWY 18 and HWY 516 (Kent Kangley Road). Observer’s can carpool with some pleasant company and swap birding stories.
If you would like to help out, please contact Larry Schwitters at leschwitters@me.com. Larry is the coordinator of the “Vaux’s Happening” project. You can also contact Dolly Owen at bluejbird32@gmail.com or (509) 723-6285.
The Vaux’s Swift website can be found at: https://www.vauxhappening.org/