Fresh Water and Saltwater Birds

Join us for a morning walk around Lake Fenwick to look for wintering waterfowl and woodland birds. We’ll practice spotting, listening for, and identifying the species we encounter. Then we’ll move on to Redondo Beach to scan Poverty Bay for saltwater birds. We may walk part of the boardwalk there, and check the edges of nearby Wooten Park if time allows.  Continue Reading →

Seen & Heard by Calen Randall

There are many types of birding: walking a forested trail, scoping out across a grassy plain, or rocking back-and forth on a boat while seabirding. Chances are, you’ve looked outside during a rainy day and thought “maybe I’ll just car bird today”. Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of birding by bike, since my new home of Davis, CA is the top city in the US for commuting by bike. Continue Reading →