Fall Color and Fall Birds, continued

The last one was so much fun, we’re doing it again! Let’s hit some of the places we missed on our October field trip. There are more  picturesque parks and beaches to check out in King and Pierce County and it’s a great time of year to look for returning fall birds. This is a good time of year to encounter scenic views and fall color. Expect to walk short distances from the cars. People who wish to leave early may do so. Continue Reading →

The Great Stranding: How Inaccurate Mainstream LCOE Estimates are Creating a Trillion-Dollar Bubble

A large and rapidly-expanding global financial bubble now exists around conventional coal, gas, nuclear, and hydro power energy assets. This bubble has in part been created by mainstream energy analyses that have, for the last decade, significantly underestimated the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) from conventional power plants because they assume these plants will be able to successfully sell the same quantity of electricity each year from now through 2040 and beyond. Continue Reading →

Winter Wings Festival

The Winter Wings brings together birders and photographers to learn and explore with top notch professionals and enthusiastic local guides. The Klamath Basin is renowned for its massive wintering population of Bald Eagles, but is prime habitat for many other raptors including owls, as well as a diversity of waterfowl. Continue Reading →