Mewsings from Millie – October 2024
Some people think it’s kind of quirky for a cat to live in a store for the birds. Well, how about a tiny seabird that nests in old growth forest 40 to 50 miles inland? Now THAT’s quirky! Continue Reading →
Some people think it’s kind of quirky for a cat to live in a store for the birds. Well, how about a tiny seabird that nests in old growth forest 40 to 50 miles inland? Now THAT’s quirky! Continue Reading →
Join Barbara Petersen’s bird walk for a fall exploration of Clark Lake Continue Reading →
Leaders: Dolly Owen, Ken Schroeder Join us for a “Swift Night Out” Continue Reading →
I-2117 would cut an estimated $1 billion in funding for environmental justice and addressing health inequities, allow more air pollution, and roll back efforts to protect communities. Continue Reading →
FIRE! No one likes to hear that! We all know that a forest fire can be devastating to both humans and wildlife alike. Surprisingly, however, wildfires can be beneficial as well. Continue Reading →
Have you ever gotten a little tired of birding all of the popular areas? Continue Reading →
As the proportion of the world’s human population living in urban environments continues to increase, the vital role that cities can play in conserving biodiversity is frequently overlooked or dismissed. Continue Reading →
By Thomas Bancroft Birders love to look for raptors, and we often Continue Reading →
Northern Hawk Owls (Surnia ulula) are one of the least studied birds in North America due to their remote range in the northern boreal forests. Continue Reading →
Sign up early for this popular annual trip with Steve. Visit picturesque Continue Reading →