Upper Creek McSorley Creek Restoration
Kent, WA
McSorley Creek is a salmon-spawning creek that flows into Puget Sound. The uplands of McSorley Creek are in a high-density development area. The city of Kent has been acquiring property in the McSorley Creek uplands between 260th and 272nd Streets to allow for restoration. Most recently, the city is focused on a 15-acre parcel known as McSorley Wetland. The McSorley Creek wetland is one of the largest intact wetland systems in the City of Kent and is the headwaters for McSorley Creek. The wetland is of high value both for its function and values within the McSorley Creek Watershed and for its significance as a regional resource. The wetland has high storage capacity in excess of 100-acres and provides water quality treatment of water discharged to the wetland from the North Del Mar Basin (comprising 120 acres) and I-5 Depression Basin, which drains 42-acres to a large bowl on the east side of I-5 and discharges to the west through a culvert to McSorley wetland. McSorley Creek drains into Puget Sound with the final reach in Saltwater State Park.
Salmonids have been documented within McSorley Creek; Chinook, a species that is federally listed as threatened in the Puget Sound, have been found in the lower stream reaches and Coho have been found spawning just below Pacific Highway. The wetland provides habitat for an abundant and diverse array of plant and animal species. Many habitat features, including snags and downed logs, are present providing high sanctuary and refuge from surrounding development. The entire McSorley wetland has been designated as an urban separator in the 2007 City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Preserving the wetland will become even more important once the Sound Transit Light Link facility is fully built along the wetland’s east border.
The acquisition of this 15-acre parcel will provide a passive-use facility for the public, especially for birdwatching and nature appreciation. This parcel is located adjacent to the south 272nd street sidewalk, giving pedestrians a view north along McSorley Creek and into the wetland complex.
The Threat
Currently there are several parcels in the immediate area of upper McSorley Creek that are held for purposes that preclude development.
Illegal Encampments
Illegal Encampments create a huge amount of trash at McSorley Creek
By seeking out the purchase of this property, the city of Kent will secure McSorley Creek at S. 272nd and will be able to preserve a large and important section of the wetland and stream. Acquisition of this parcel provides additional area for a proposed boardwalk wetland trail that would allow users to access a high-quality wetland. Educational signage would be designed to enrich the public’s experience.
The Rainier Audubon Society (RAS) supports the city of Kent in its grant applications. Once the property is acquired, the RAS will provide support through environmental education and educational signage.