Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Saturday, April 26 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (Primary Date)
Saturday, May 1@9:00am – 1:00 pm (Backup Bad Weather Date)
Leaders: Ken Schroeder and Dolly Owen
Join leaders Ken Schroeder, and Dolly Owen for a half-day exploration of the Bass Lake Complex Natural Area. We do a one-way walk to explore three different lakes in this lowland basin along a well-maintained trail, for a total of 1.8 miles. There are only a few gentle uphill sections. We go slowly for birding and nature study. With luck we will observe birds, spring flowers and possibly a glimpse of the Mt. Rainier Elk herd. Our walk ends at the mysterious “Sinkhole Lake” with a well-deserved reputation of being bottomless.
We meet at Sinkhole Lake with four cars at 9:00 am. Two cars are parked here while the other two cars shuttle eight birders to our starting location at Bass Lake. At the conclusion of the hike, we shuttle back to the starting point and go our separate ways. Stopping for lunch at the nearby, and world famous, “Black Diamond Bakery” is optional.
We must have a total of four cars that each seat four to shuttle between the starting and ending points. This bird hike is capped at six participants, plus two leaders for a total of eight. We remain together for the entire outing.
Bring hiking boots, a water bottle, a few snacks, rain gear, binoculars, an optional hiking pole, and your sense of adventure. If the weather is bad, we will postpone to the following weekend.
To sign up, email Ken Schroeder at kenschroeder@msn.com.
No need to worry if this outing fills quickly. We can schedule another one in May if you don’t win the lottery this time.
Ken is also at 253-939-7470.