Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

By Calen Randall
Do you feel like you are always behind the curve when it comes to preparing for the next season of birds?Do you wish you were more prepared when you go out to an area to bird and want to know what to find?
Join us for a session on using eBird and its monthly tools and get better prepared for your outings. We will be exploring different paths of Tundra and Trumpeter Swans, and Snow Geese.
Cindy Flanagan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Better Birding Series: Planning for the arrival of birds using eBird’s monthly tools
Time: Oct 25, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 9108 7889
Passcode: 662922
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Better Birding Series
For the 2022-23 season, Rainier Audubon will offer a Better Birding Webinar Series. The series focuses on connecting birders to tools and strategies to help plan birding outings and to find and identify birds.