Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

by Robert Howson
Perhaps you’re one of those who consider science and humor to belong in two separate camps which, due to language differences, are committed to never speaking to each other. But cartoonist Gary Larson went a long way in disproving that myth. Through his rather warped sense of humor he allowed us not only to appreciate the contributions of science but also enabled us to better understand ourselves by bringing down our defenses so we could laugh at ourselves as seen through the eyes of cows, insects, dragons, and yes, even birds.
At our next Audubon meeting I’ll be making a similar effort, only this time, not through skillfully drawn cartoons but through photographs of birds I’ve taken over the years. Since birds generally do not contort themselves into positions dreamt up by people such as Larson, you’ll have to bring a healthy dose of your own imagination to blend the real and the fanciful together. And just in case your particular brand of humor doesn’t match up with my own, you’ll at least enjoy identifying the subjects I’ve sought to ridicule by subjecting them to my own brand of humiliation.
Hope to see you Monday evening, October 17, so we can spend the evening together in person and enjoy a look at Avian Ad Libs.
Robert Howson has been birding since he was in grade school in Northern California. Forty four years ago he and his wife Carolyn moved to Kirkland and have extended their birding adventures from there to much of our country. This year he passed the 700 mark for species seen in North America when he recorded the Mangrove Cuckoo in the southern part of Florida. He is an educator, having taught in grade school, high school, and college where some, but certainly not all, appreciated his attempts at humor.
George Galvin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Oct. 17 Membership Meeting
Time: Oct 17, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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