Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

by Dennis Pauslon
Madagascar is the world’s fourth-largest island, situated off East Africa in the Indian Ocean. Isolated since it drifted away from India 88 million years ago, a very large percentage of its plants and animals are endemic, occurring nowhere else—95% of reptiles, 92% of mammals, 89% of plants, and 41% of birds. Dennis Paulson spent 18 days there in January 2016 and will share some of his wonderful experiences.
Dennis Paulson lives in Seattle, Washington. Until retirement, he was the Director of the Slater Museum of Natural History at the University of Puget Sound. His books on birds include Exotic Birds, Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest, Shorebirds of North America: The Photographic Guide, Birds of the Puget Sound Region: Coast to Cascades, and Field Guide to the Birds of Washington. He has traveled all over the world to study and photograph birds and dragonflies and likes nothing better than teaching about them. He is a naturalist as well as a biologist and has written an additional half-dozen books about dragonflies and other aspects of nature.
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