The Ridgefield Field Class will be Sat, February 5th, 9AM-1PM. We will meet near the refuge at 9AM. Experiencing birds in different habitats is an important tool to being a better birder, and Ridgefield offers a variety of habitats.
The Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (NWR)consists of approximately 5300 acres – a lush mixture of wetlands, grasslands, riparian corridors, and forests. This variety of habitats, combined with a mild and rainy winter climate, make for an ideal environment for bird species including song birds, raptors, wintering waterfowl, and others. Please dress warm, as during the day we will get out of our cars and walk on easy trails.
The cost will be $55 per person per class, with a total of 8 participants. We’ll have the option to separate into two small groups. For questions and to sign up, contact Kevin via email at