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Winter Birdwatching Walk at Lake Fenwick and The Old Fishing Hole

February 22 @ 9:00 am 12:00 pm

Leader: Barbara Petersen

Please join us for a slow-paced walk around Lake Fenwick to watch wintering waterfowl and woodland birds. We’ll meet (rain or shine) in the middle parking lot on Lake Fenwick Rd at 9:00 AM. That’s the second parking lot you’ll find from either direction. Come outside with us for this opportunity to use birding skills, and maybe add new skills, as we identify species on the water and in the trees and shrubs by sight and by sound. The more eyes and ears the better as we collaborate to find out who lives here during late fall and winter.

If time allows, we’ll move on to Kent’s Old Fishing Hole, which is a short drive away. It is also an easy walk on the trail around the pond. A variety of waterfowls, passerines, and occasional wetland birds use this location. Let’s see what species we find foraging in the fishing hole and surrounding habitat in late fall. We’ll wrap up around noon. Several layers of clothing are suggested to adjust to the weather, and snacks or hot beverages as needed.

To sign up email Barbara Petersen at bpbatfan@aol.com, leave a voice message at 253 389 3204, or just join us that morning. All are welcome.

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