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Free Cornell Lab of Ornithology Webinar

Attendance: 0 / ∞

Spring is approaching! And with it comes wonderful opportunities to experience birds during migration. eBird is here to help you get the most out of spring birding. Join our webinar and discover the power of eBird—just in time for peak birdwatching. During this live Q&A, eBird team members will answer your questions and explain how to find and report birds, share checklists, add photos or recordings, and more. Submit questions in advance during registration or live during the webinar

Eastside of Cascades Birding Field Class (3 Days)

Attendance: 0 / ∞

The class will focus on bird language, behavior, habitats, nests & bird tracks. Learn to identify, observe, and tell the story of birds in their environment. Birds are such unique animals and leave us with exciting mysteries. Their behavior has fascinated ornithologists for decades.

Winter Birds of Nisqually

Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge 100 Brown Farm Road, Olympia, Washington, United States

Kevin O’Malley, lead naturalist and birder at South Sound Nature School, will Continue Reading →


Raptors of Washington

Attendance: 8 / ∞

This course will help you become familiar with the eagles, hawks, harriers, falcons, vultures, and kites that make our state their homes. We will cover the characteristics, behaviors, and biology that will help you identify these marvelous birds.