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After Thanksgiving birding trip

Redondo Heights Park and Ride 27454 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way, Washington, United States

We'll visit hotspots from Lake Fenwick to Brown's Point, checking parks and beaches in King County and Pierce County for birds of the sea and forest. Expect to walk short distances from the cars. People who wish to leave early may do so.

Skagit Valley field trip

Join Rainier Audubon for a trip north to visit the Skagit Valley.  Species we expect to see include Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, Snow Geese, Trumpeter Swans, American Wigeon, possibly American Kestrel and shore birds.  This trip would for suitable for those with differing abilities, since a lot of the birding can be done from the car.