Swift Night Out – Vaux’s Swifts in Selleck, WA

Join us for a “Swift Night Out” in the small town of Selleck, WA to see the amazing Vaux’s swifts return for the evening to their brick-chimney, communal roost site. Each May, thousands of migrating Vaux’s Swifts stop off for a well-deserved rest on their long journey to northern Canada. While the number of Swift’s returning to this site is weather dependent, we can expect to see many hundreds or even thousands of birds after sunset. We will meet in Covington and carpool to Selleck to minimize our impact on this small community. In case of rain, we will reschedule the outing to the following week. See the links below for more details. 

Green Valley in Early Summer

In June, the migrant birds should be singing on their territory near Auburn and in the beautiful Green Valley east of Auburn. We'll visit Academy Drive, Green Valley Road, and Flaming Geyser State Park. We may see and hear warblers, thrushes, vireos, Red-breasted Sapsuckers, Virginia Rail, flycatchers, and more. We may walk up to 2 miles on trails and roads.

Exploring the foothills near North Bend

oin popular leader and avid birder Roger Orness on a trip exploring the foothills near North Bend.  Target species will be Peregrine Falcons, but there are sure to be many other species to enjoy.