Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Found only in the Americas, hummingbirds surprise and delight us — yet many of these feisty birds are on the verge of disappearing forever, including 39 that are globally threatened. Habitat loss is the biggest threat they face – particularly loss of forests and mountain shrublands.
Puget Sound Bird Fest Returns in Person September 10-11th, 2022Celebrate the 18th Continue Reading →
Come visit our Soo’s Creek Botanical Garden Fall Plant sale. We will have a nice selection of beautiful, healthy, plants propagated from the garden’s collections. Fall is an excellent time to plant, the fall rains will help plants establish and be ready to thrive come spring. Proceeds benefit our lovely garden.
Did you know that the Nisqually River, originating on the slopes of Mount Rainier and emptying into Puget Sound, is a national model for watershed preservation and protection? Climb aboard the virtual charter bus and join Jeff Antonelis-Lapp, Emeritus Faculty at The Evergreen State College, for A Virtual Field Trip in the Nisqually Watershed, an image-rich talk from Tahoma and Its People, his natural history of Mount Rainier National Park.
Audubon Washington and the chapters of the Northwest II region are pleased to welcome back chapter leaders from across Washington State for an in-person weekend of community and conservation. We'll meet in the newly-renovated Dungeness River Nature Center in Sequim, a partnership between the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe and the Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society.
Sign up early for this popular annual trip with Steve. Visit picturesque parks and beaches in King County and Pierce County during a great time of year to look for returning fall birds. We will travel to local parks and beaches along Puget Sound, searching for many species of sea birds and forest birds. This is a good time of year to encounter scenic views and fall color. Expect to walk short distances from the cars. People who wish to leave early may do so.