Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Short-eared Owl
Skagit Flats

Join Rainier Audubon for a presentation about what's happening in the Green River Natural Resource Area (GRNRA)
Join Jeff Antonelis-Lapp, Emeritus Faculty at The Evergreen State College, as he shares the status of these key species from Tahoma and Its People, his natural history of Mount Rainier National Park,.
Kevin O’Malley, lead naturalist and birder at South Sound Nature School, will Continue Reading →
When you register, you'll join an advocacy group to meet with your state legislator on December 7th. Audubon will schedule your group's meeting and provide training to ensure you're prepared to speak for the birds!
Join the CBC by counting birds on your own in your yard. You can choose what time of day you would like to do your survey—morning, afternoon or even nighttime.