February 22, 2025 Field Trip Report
By Barbara Petersen
Sat, Feb 22nd was a dim, rainy morning with the forecast promising more of the same, yet the middle parking lot at Lake Fenwick filled to capacity as car after car rolled in. At least one car had to park elsewhere. As light rainfall slowed to a stop, fifteen enthusiastic birders, from veterans to beginners, scanned the lake, marsh and treetops. As often happens in wet weather there seemed to be more birders than birds on this morning!
Five Double-crested Cormorants perched on a branch in the lake, prompting a discussion on eye color after scope views revealed their blue eyes. (Further study indicates blue or blue-green eyes are seen in both adults and immatures year around, to answer participants’ question.)
Some participants got to see a handsome male Wood Duck through the scope, in the marsh and later on the open lake. Other species present were Mallard, Bufflehead, American Wigeon, and Pied-billed Grebe. The rain seemed to come and go but failed to dampen our attitudes as we studied Sapsucker holes, Licorice Ferns and winter twigs (a nod to our Rainier Audubon Nature Journaling instructor, seen later with her husband on the bike trail!)
Trip highlights: a River Otter resting on a log across the lake, eating prey; an Anna’s Hummingbird working on her nest right above the trail; an adult Bald Eagle chasing a Robin-sized bird in Accipiter fashion, between trees, around the north end of the lake, behind the ridge trees and out of sight in less than a minute!
The Old Fishing Hole, Green River and golf course offered more ducks including a pair of colorful Common Mergansers, and decent looks at Song Sparrows and a Spotted Towhee.
Join us on the March 29th field trip! We’ll meet at Tukwila Community Center at 8:30AM and visit a few birding spots along the Duwamish River, finishing at 12:30.