Nest Box Committee Update
Our RAS Nest Box team worked on three projects this winter.
In 2021, RAS installed sixteen nest boxes specifically sized for Tree swallows. These are located adjacent to a large 40-acre marsh near the Emerald Downs Racetrack in Auburn. Dan, Bob, Dolly, and Ken just completed our 2024 inspection and clean out. For 2024, we found fourteen boxes containing nests. In 2023 we experimented with insulating sunshields on eight boxes. This year, swallows used houses with and without sunshields. Dolly Owen is our project coordinator at Emerald Downs.


Team “Soosy” completed a clean out of our four nest boxes at Soos Creek. We found three “Chickadee” sized boxes with active nests. The fourth, very stubborn box refuses to rent to our local wildlife. It was removed for relocation. If you visit this beautiful botanical garden on 132nd Ave in Auburn, please let us know. Contact us if you see any nesting activity. Bob Swain is our project coordinator at Soos Creek.
We have a new project site for 2025. It is located at the Covington Creek Nursery on SE Black Diamond Road. The site is east of HWY 18. This nursery borders a 700-foot section of Covington Creek where salmon were seen this past December. Beavers were seen at this site during the 2022, Christmas Bird Count.
We have approval from the nursery owner to install one or more nest boxes. Dan, Bob, and Ken inspected this site recently and are working out the installation details. Ken will build one or two boxes for this location when we decide on the target species.