Skagit Self-guided Field Trip

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by Heather Gibson

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Birders can still get a bit more winter bird watching done up in the Skagit River area. Many thanks to Barbara Petersen for her suggestions. She recommends starting your journey at the Breadfarm Bakery in Bow. 

Samish Unit

Many raptor species, ducks, geese, sparrows, blackbirds and more can be found here. Heads up during hunting season – signage is posted to direct birders and walkers away from danger.

The Day Use Beach on Samish Island itself is good for spotting Long-tailed Ducks and many other saltwater ducks, as well as Bald Eagles, cormorants and more on the water. The trees near the parking spots and across the street often shelter foraging woodland birds.

A stop at Padilla Bay Education Center is always a must if open, aka Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. A welcome restroom stop.

Then stop again just south at Bayview State Park to see what species might be swimming offshore and hanging about near the parking lots. Or walk down to the state park on a trail from the Education Center, checking out birds in the fields on the way.

Quite a way south of Highway 20, across the north fork of the Skagit River onto Fir Island, is Skagit Bay Estuary, WDFW Water Access Site, where Rawlins Rd dead ends, a favorite spot, too, for many reasons – eagles, bitterns, Short-eared Owl, ducks and geese can be seen.

Skagit wildlife area- Wiley Slough

During winter, thousands of Snow Geese are joined by numerous Trumpeter and Tundra swans.  Golden-crowned and Lincoln Sparrows are also present. A two mile loop trail begins at headquarters. Check trees and shrubs along road and parking area.  Birds of prey include Ospreys, Bald Eagles and Red-tailed and Rough-legged hawks. Avoid treacherous mud flats.

Skagit Wildlife area: Fir Island Farms

Species in all three seasons include Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier,  Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal. From October to March, Trumpeter and Tundra Swans are present.  Snow Geese and American Wigeon are found from October to April. Peregrine Falcons hunt Dunlin and Black-bellied Plovers along the shore, and Barn Owls search fields and marshes for rodents. Great Horned Owls roost in surrounding trees. Close vehicle doors quietly to avoid disturbing geese and swans. Walk to dike overlook and watch for waterfowl and shore birds. Avoid treacherous mud flats.

Skagit wildlife area: Big Ditch

This fine area for waterfowl, raptors and shore birds features reliable sightings of Trumpeter and Tundra Swans, Snow Geese, Dunlin, Greater Yellowlegs, Peregrine Falcons, Bald Eagles, American kestrels and Northern Harriers. Also watch for Northern Pintails and occasional Snowy Owls.

Also, if you do visit the Skagit, I’m sure everyone would enjoy it if you share you photos on the RAS Flickr page!