Tukwila Pond Park
Self-guided Birding Field Trip – by Heather Gibson
Tukwila Pond Park is a 25-acre Tukwila City park just south of Southcenter Mall. Fall is a great time to see a variety of up-close ducks and waterbirds on the pond, but birds can be seen there at any time of year. Many plants, trees, and bushes have been planted that attract birds. Wetland habitat surrounds the pond.
Birds at the park include Yellow-Rumped Warblers in fall and spring. Duck species, including the Hooded Merganser and the Northern Shoveler, can be seen from fall to spring. Red-Tailed Hawks and Cooper’s Hawks are in the area from fall to spring. Swallows and ospreys can be seen in spring and summer.

Facilities include two overlooks, restrooms, greenbelt and trail, picnic tables, and parking.
Directions and Map
Take I-5, I-405, or SR-18 (from Burien) to the junction at Southcenter. From one of the three highways, exit onto Southcenter Parkway. Turn east onto Strander Blvd. Drive 0.2 miles. Turn right at the Tukwila Pond sign. Parking is available near the end of that street which dead-ends at the park entrance. You will be to the west of Target. More parking and good access to the trail and greenbelt is behind the Half Price Book Plaza on Southcenter Parkway just north of So. 168th St.
Tukwila Pond Park
299 Strander Blvd.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Google Map
The City of Tukwila is currently updating a master plan for improving this area. For more information see: