Tag: Birding Class

Sandhill Cranes & Winter Birds Field Class
(two different classes 9:00 – 1:00 but you can sign up for Continue Reading →

Harney County Migratory Bird Festival
Spend an amazing weekend witnessing the spectacular spring migration in the Harney Basin of Southeast Oregon. Continue Reading →

East of Cascades Birding Field Class
Kevin O’Malley & Barbara Petersen will be teaching and leadinga field class for beginners, intermediate & expertbirders wanting to further their knowledge about birding in the Leavenworth Area. Continue Reading →

Hawks & Raptors Field Class
Migrating Raptors are fascinating to observe. Please join Kevin O’Malley and Barbara Petersen for a winter raptor viewing adventure. Continue Reading →

Sandhill Cranes & Winter Birds Field Class
South Sound Nature School’s Ridgefield Field Class will be Saturday, February 4th, 9:00-1:00. Meet leader Kevin O’Malley and Barbara Petersen at the refuge on Saturday morning. Experiencing birds in different habitat is an important tool to becoming a better birder. Continue Reading →
Remembering Ed Swan
Ed Swan was a special individual who not only had a passion for birding but had the unique gift of helping others learn about birds and habitat, and how to document using community science. Continue Reading →

Raptors of Washington
This course will help you become familiar with the eagles, hawks, harriers, falcons, vultures, and kites that make our state their homes. We will cover the characteristics, behaviors, and biology that will help you identify these marvelous birds. Continue Reading →

Migratory Bird Explorer
Last month, Audubon announced the Bird Migration Explorer, a first-of-its-kind, interactive, digital platform that visualizes the heroic annual journeys of 458 North American migratory species. The culmination of years of collaboration and scientific contributions from hundreds of researchers and institutions, the Explorer will transform the way we approach the toughest conservation challenges and our relationship with the birds we all love. Continue Reading →

Advancing Your Birding Course (August 9th-October 4th)
Ed Swan, ornithologist, author, and bird guide is coming to Rainier Audubon this fall and he can help you
- Build on your identification skills in the field
- Improve your bird sighting evaluation abilities
- Increase your ability to record data and publish records
- Use a citizen science methodology