Mewsings from Millie – March 2024

Did you know that the year 2018 was declared the Year of the Bird? 2018 marked the 100 th anniversary
of the enactment of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. National Geographic, National Audubon Society,
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, BirdLife International and more than 100organizations joined forces around
the world to share stories and science examining how the changing environment was impacting the lives
of birds. Continue Reading →

Mewsings from Millie – February 2024

You’ve heard of empty-nesters, how about early-nesters? My people have had a live bird cam on showing a Great-horned Owl sitting on two eggs in a nest in Savannah, Georgia. It got me wondering if birds in our part of the world nest early. It turns out some do. The Great-horned Owls that live here nest early as well as the Western Screech-Owl, Hairy Woodpecker, Wood Duck, American Kestrel, and the Anna’s Hummingbird. Continue Reading →

Do Crows Have Language?

Humans are fascinated by crows because they share many of our characteristics. They’re smart, social, and make a variety of vocalizations. However, do they have a language like humans? In this talk, we’ll explore some past work on crow vocal communication, language in general, and recent Corvid research conducted with undergraduates at the University of Washington Bothell. Continue Reading →

Mewsings from Millie

Note: Millie, no longer with us, was the big, beautiful cat who lived at the Wild Birds Unlimited store in Burien for nearly fifteen years. Very observant and intelligent, Millie wrote a monthly column to share with us what she saw and overheard while supposedly sleeping. [Reprinted from November 2017]Note: Millie, no longer with us, was the big, beautiful cat who lived at the Wild Birds Unlimited store in Burien for nearly fifteen years. Very observant and intelligent, Millie wrote a monthly column to share with us what she saw and overheard while supposedly sleeping. [Reprinted from November 2017] Continue Reading →