Tag: CBC
Christmas Bird Count 2024 – Sunday, December 29!
By Barbara Petersen While the month of November may spell Thanksgiving and Continue Reading →

Christmas Bird Count 2024
While the month of November may spell Thanksgiving and pumpkin pie to some, it is also the month to plan ahead for the annual Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) taking place throughout all of North America and beyond. We have scheduled Rainier’s CBC for Sunday, December 29th, 2024. Mark your calendars! Continue Reading →

Christmas Bird Count
The Rainier Audubon CBC will be running as normal. Field leaders will be taking teams out in the field. We will also have the Backyard Bird Count for those in the count circle who want to bird at home. And we will be doing an in person potluck and tally celebration. Regarding Covid-19, we will be following the State, King County and National Audubon mandates. Continue Reading →

Seen & Heard: April 2022 – CBC Results
The 41st edition of the Rainier Audubon Christmas Bird Count looked like a typical CBC in the Midwest or East Coast rather than a Pacific Northwestern count. Sub-freezing temperatures greeted CBC leaders in the morning, snow blanketed the ground, and ice covered any standing water. The forecast called for a cold and slushy day, but the atmosphere was merciful and outside of some light afternoon rain, the weather was mundane and dry. However, the weather played an integral role in count totals. Continue Reading →

Christmas Bird Count
Join the CBC by counting birds on your own in your yard. You can choose what time of day you would like to do your survey—morning, afternoon or even nighttime. Continue Reading →