Tag: Climate Change

Orca Recovery Day
Thank you for your patience while we rescheduled our Orca Recovery Day Continue Reading →
The Great Stranding: How Inaccurate Mainstream LCOE Estimates are Creating a Trillion-Dollar Bubble
A large and rapidly-expanding global financial bubble now exists around conventional coal, gas, nuclear, and hydro power energy assets. This bubble has in part been created by mainstream energy analyses that have, for the last decade, significantly underestimated the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) from conventional power plants because they assume these plants will be able to successfully sell the same quantity of electricity each year from now through 2040 and beyond. Continue Reading →
How to heat your home and NOT the planet!
The global energy crisis is starting to really hurt, and the prospects for winter fuel prices are starting to look pretty bleak for millions of people in the Northern hemisphere. So how do we get ourselves off our hopeless dependence on fossil fuels? And if the alternative is intermittent renewables then how are we going to keep our homes constantly warm during the colder months? Perhaps our friends in Scandinavia can provide some answers…
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Seen & Heard: January 2022
By Calen Randall 2021 may have been the Year of the Ox, Continue Reading →

Audubon in Washington Advocacy Day 2021
When you register, you’ll join an advocacy group to meet with your state legislator on December 7th. Audubon will schedule your group’s meeting and provide training to ensure you’re prepared to speak for the birds! Continue Reading →