Tag: Seen and Heard

Seem & Heard – October, 2022
This summer, I was able to venture out to the Olympic Peninsula, into the Cascades, and over to eastern Washington. There were many highlights and adventures including an American Avocet pair courtship display, meeting up with birding friends Michael and Louise from New Jersey, and a spontaneous evening drive over to the Oak Creek Wildlife Area to find Common Poorwills. Here are a couple of interesting birding adventures from the summer. Continue Reading →

Seen & Heard: April 2022 – CBC Results
The 41st edition of the Rainier Audubon Christmas Bird Count looked like a typical CBC in the Midwest or East Coast rather than a Pacific Northwestern count. Sub-freezing temperatures greeted CBC leaders in the morning, snow blanketed the ground, and ice covered any standing water. The forecast called for a cold and slushy day, but the atmosphere was merciful and outside of some light afternoon rain, the weather was mundane and dry. However, the weather played an integral role in count totals. Continue Reading →
Seen & Heard: January 2022
By Calen Randall 2021 may have been the Year of the Ox, Continue Reading →
Seen and Heard: October 2021
by Calen Randall “Rattattatt—Rattattatt”. As I write this article an early season Continue Reading →